We’re looking for contributions for issue 5 – and our theme this issue is close combat, skirmish, duels, brawls and any other kind of down and dirty fighting. The gloves are off and first blood has been spilled… This can cover historical, fantasy, sci-fi or modern genres – so it’s up to you. So if […]
Happy Easter
At this festive time of year, when you are thinking of excuses to escape the DIY and stuff yourself silly on chocolate eggs – why not lock yourself away with the latest issue of Irregular? If you hadn’t noticed by the change to the website look – there’s a new issue out – Issue 4 […]
Not long now…
…till the new issue hits the internet! It will be ready to download over the Easter weekend – the perfect excuse to ignore the DIY; sit down with a large chocolate egg and have a read. I can let you know that there is some great content between the pages, including a fantastic painting tutorial […]