Issue 16 Volume 2 / Summer 2021
Once again we welcome the hot, hot summer in the UK with another hot, hot issue of Irregular Magazine! Issue 16, Volume 2021 for Summer 2021!
As usual, we begin with looking at the latest News in our gaming hobby, we have a further update on our editors progress in his ongoing battle against his Grey Horde and we have a look at some of the latest exciting new that has been coming out of that big best of the our hobby, Games Workshop, over the last couple of months!
We have an intriguing review of the the new skirmish which supports the use of whatever miniatures you have to hand to create your warbands, and has not only a campaign system, but also a number of solo missions, giving it a great flexability as well. This is surely the narrative skirmish game that many of us have been looking for! In additionl, we also have a short story, Balm Monster, that is set in the world – or perhaps I should say Realm – of Brutality.
Our beloved editor also take a nostalic look back at Songs of Blades and Heroes, a much older fantasy skirmish game with a campaign system and an impressive number of suppliments that gives you the ability to creat the fantasy warband you want to have, in this fast and engaging skirmish game. Your webmaster has definately enjoyed many fun games of this classic with our editor and others in the past, too!
We continue our consideration of wider trends in gaming with a look at the new cutting-edge esports studio, Wanyoo, to be found at the Westfield Stratford shopping centre in East London. And for those of our readers who prefer something more tradition in wargaming, our editor has a look at the so-called Banana Wars, the US Interventions in Latin America, which you might want to use as the basis or jump-off for creating your our campaigns or gaming. With the increasing options we all have today of how we view our preferred television content, our editor has takenanother dive into some of the Global TV shows we might want to watch, which could inspire our gaming!
Of course, miniatures in gaming are also of great interest to many of us and we have a write-up of we can go about approaching the painting of some of the modern miniatures in our grey hordes or lead mountains.
Also, as many of you have already come to expect and enjoy, we have a good number of book reviews from of the best publishers for games, including Osprey, Pen and Sword and Frontline Books.
The titles are wide ranging, covering topics in the far east, with a look at the Tang Dynasty and the Samurai merceneries of the 17th century; 20th century topics including the 1972 Easter Offensive in Vietnam, an overview of the range of 20th Century conflicts in the Balkans, a dive into the details of the T62 Tank, a look at the Tank Craft series of books from Pen and Sword, as well as Andy Singleton’s excellent guide to Painting Axis figures for the WW2 Eastern Front. We look at a number of different books that range around the forces of the Napoleonic wars, and for our readers who preference tends towards ancients warfare, we look at titles look at Late Roman Military History, the Macedonian Phalanx and a look at Roman Britain’s Missing Legion – an endlessly fascinating subject!
Finally, we have a look at the tale of the small doll which is the current surprise exhibit in the WW2 exhibition at the Tank Museum in Bovington, Dorset!
Time to get reading – go on, download a copy now!