Meet the team
The editors, Nick and Jason, as well as some other members of the Irregular Magazine team will be at a painting event in Mansfield on Saturday February 6th.
If you fancy meeting the men behind the magazine, why not stop by and say hi, and enjoy the workshops, displays and demonstrations being put on my Sheffield Irregulars, Platoon Britannica and members of The Basement?
The venue for this day of painting fun is Maelstrom’s Eye of the Storm gaming centre in Mansfield, UK, and it starts at 10am.
Bring some brushes and paints (or pick some up on the day from the Maelstrom store) and meet some of the UK’s top miniature figure painters, as well as the Irregular magazine team.
Stop by and say hello, we’d love to hear what you think of the magazine – and any ideas you might have for future issues.
Photograph courtesy of Major Clanger on Flickr used under the Creative Commons license.